Friday, July 29, 2011

Meet The Sweetest Baby, Abe

It's not my story to tell so I wont but the baby I was honored to shoot yesterday is such a blessing to his family and all he meets. They have been through trials that most would never believe could happen.

I have grown to love his family as if they were my own. I admire them more than words can say. I have never met a baby that is so calm or sweet as Abe. He is very observant and "chill" I like to say. I love to spend time with him and I LOVED photographing him!

Enjoy the photos and thanks for the visit!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Daughter Isabel

Isabel, my only girl out of 4 children, is 10! What in the world?!?! She is an amazing, kind, creative, gentle spirit. We are more and more proud of her every day. How she manages to cope in a house with three brothers with such restraint is beyond us! She is as gentle as a lamb but can be just as tough as a bull. Love this about her. She is smart beyond words and wants more than anything to travel the world and help others. Such big dreams at such a young age makes my heart swell.

Her best friend in life is Grace. Grace and Isabel had a darling little shoot this week. Both lovely young ladies in every way.

Enjoy the photos!

Thanks for visiting!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Little Man Isaach

I enjoyed meeting and photographing little Isaach today. He is just two weeks old and is as precious as can be. He has the most expressive brown eyes and already at two weeks was really enjoying looking at my camera. A model in the making. I hope to take many more photos of him in the future.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Babies, babies and even more babies!

I am PLEASED AS PIE to be sharing these photos with you. I have had a busy couple weeks with babies! Babies Galore! And yet another little man I have yet to meet named Isaach I will be photographing in two days! I have had so much fun capturing these little ones in these wee moments of their lives. These are the moments that pass in a blink and I am happy to have helped preserve those precious memories for the families!

Meet Mr. Clive! This is my precious nephew who just celebrated 3 months of age! He is a happy, sweet baby. He will be a photographer some day I just know it!

 Meet Little Naomi! The first photo is her 1st day entering the world. The second photo is day 7! She is a bundle of joy and I look forward to many more photo session with her! Excited to watch her grow.

               Naomi and her big brothers. She has a lot of catching up to do.
Below is the beautiful McKenna. She is so sweet and looks just like her daddy! I was so excited to be able to pop in on her at the hospital and catch some special moments with her momma.

Much more to come in the future I hope. I have really grown to love photographing babies. It's probably one of the hardest jobs but it is the most rewarding.

Need to contact me?

Friday, July 15, 2011


It was a privilege to take the following photos of these three friends and their children. These ladies have been friends since the 2nd grade and continue to have a beautiful, strong friendship as adults. They are now passing on that love through the relationships they are trying to build through their children. I had so much fan catching the kids in the moment!! In one shot the moms were hooting and hollering behind me trying to get all eyes in sort of the same direction! It was a warm, but lovely morning!
I enjoyed getting to know two of the ladies a bit better. I am lucky to call one of them my sister!
Enjoy the photos.

My Art

Lightdowntown..through the looking glassroundsunset 1 Sunset 2Memorial Gardens....Springfield,MO
my twin boys standing in front of a fireworks fountainmy oldest...sparklermy first attempt ever with fireworks.looks like how the flag blew into her eyes.
take me to the place I lovelightroomself portrait on a Sunday evening...
Road to where? Corn...glorious corn! fireworks stand on every corner here in the OzarksMarine SonMimosa Tree

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hello Everyone and welcome to my new blog!

Just starting up here so have some patience with me! Looking forward to sharing my adventures with you. Always loved taking pictures and so I thought, why not?? So here I am, capturing your special moments!

I love natural light photography more than anything. Something so beautiful and magical about it. I try to use it any time I can. With cold winter months approching a studio is in the works. It is a labor of love I can tell you that!

Here are just a few examples of past work....will add more as I go on more shoots.
Thanks again for visiting! And contact me anytime for session info!